
“Yeah. I think I remember it pretty well,” I laughed nervously.“Jay, I know things have sort of escalated since then. I just don’t want anything to fuck up our relationship. I know this is fucking weird and if we ever got busted or caught, I don’t know what would happen,” said Annie. She was being the voice of reason here. She was saying the things that I’d certainly thought myself but once you have a hard-on you really don’t think rationally anymore.“Look, Ann. I don’t know how much you want. She was so absorbed with her thoughts, she did not realize there was a sudden ringing. The ringing brought her out of her deep thoughts. Quickly she looked about trying to locate the source of the ringing. It was the phone on a low table next to her bed. She slid over to answer the phone. ‘Hello,’ she said. ‘Did you sleep well my little chilli pepper?’ Alex said over the other end. She knew it had to be Alex calling her, so she wasn’t surprised at all. ‘Thank you, I did,’ she answered. I walked up to the front door and rang the door bell, Janet answered in a towel as she had just gotten out of the shower. I had always had a crush on her and the sight of her still damp and in a towel gave my dick a rise. She said she had some work for me in the bedroom moving some old furniture. She explained what she wanted to do and I got to work. Then to my amazement she turned and got dressed right in front of me. She had her back to me but i still got a raging hard-on from the site of her. My cock was now beyond rock hard and no where close to blowing. Mom pulled her hand away and laid back on the bed and spread her legs wide. I could see mom's super wet pussy, it was wide open. I asked mom if she was okay and she said that I would have to finish on my own. I asked her if I could shoot it on her pussy and she said whatever I wanted was fine with her. She was way out of it. I played with mom's cunt a little more and placed my cock head right by her hole so that I could spew right.
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